
Will It!

Making a will is not a pleasant task. In fact, all of us would like to believe that we are immortal and death happens to other people. Let me tell you that the one thing that is certain in life is death. My advice is to make a will. The purpose of this article is to give you a general idea of what you need to know if you intend to start this process.

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There is no such thing as a Standard Contract

As a lawyer who represents a wide variety of clientele, from medium to large scale businesses and individuals, I am occasionally confronted with the odd client who would say things like, “This is a pretty standard distribution agreement, right? So why do we need to review it?” or “Why do we need to take so long to look into this joint venture agreement? Isn’t this pretty much a standard contract?”

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It’s Never Too Early to Start Estate Planning

It does not matter that your “pot of gold” is not a substantial one. It is prudent that every person plans his or her estate carefully. Planning your estate well will ensure that your assets are enjoyed by the people you intend to receive those assets whilst taking care that your liabilities do not become a burden to them. Having your wealth and assets in the wrong hands should be the last thing on your wish list.

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